In the late 60s of last century. the construction project of Toronto, Canada entered the peak period, the destruction of environmenta resources artificial gradually rise, a number of construction companies in trouble. How to solve the existing environment, reduce costs, improve efficiency, become an urgent problen facec by construction companies;
Aluma formwork company required urgen market developec by Aluminum Alloy template as the mair material template system, and obtained the unprecedented success, widely used in Hongkong anc Macao; China in more thar ter years ago has begun the use o Aluminum Alloy template, neighbouring Vietnam has started five years ago in the use ofAluminumAlloy template.
2010,the Ministry of housing and urban rural development,the Ministry of construction of the 10 out thatnew technologies (2010) clearly pointed aluminum alloyformwork isone ofthe focusofChina's newconstructiontechnology promotion.
The promotion of green construction is an important measure to implement the national strategy of sustainable development of construction industry, the national "green building action plan" and "the development of the construction industry" 12th Five- Year "plan" will clear the green building and energy- the saving emission reduction as focus of development.In orderto achieve the goal ofreducing carbon emissions per unit of GDP by 40% in 2020 compared with 2005 in China,it is necessary to upgrade the production mode of the construction industry in.